
Showing posts from December, 2021

Mind Matters : Guest Post by Ms. Archita Basu

  Dear readers, giving a pause to my story, I would like to post a guest post by Ms. Archita Basu. Ms. Archita Basu has been my mentor for the past three years and guiding me with Akshat's language and emotional skills. I   consider myself lucky to get connected with her and thankful to her that she accepted my request to write for my blog. With her constant support and guidance, Akshat and I have evolved as better human beings and learned that, after all, the mind matters.   About Ms. Archita Basu: Ms. Archita Basu is a parent to an adult with ASD. Besides being passionate about autism, she has done Master's in English from Calcutta University. Her core autism education has been in M.Ed in autism from Birmingham University. She has authored a chapter in the book, Lives with Autism(2014), edited by Dr. Steve Mee, Autism Programme Leader at the University of Cumbria, UK. She has worked as a parental co-trainer with the trailblazing Inclusive Solutions, UK, and has certified

How I taught my son to communicate? - Working on Typing Skills

  After practicing and regularly using it, Akshat picked up well with the app. He now understood that he could communicate his needs, wants, and thoughts through the app. Every day, I try that, he can get more and more opportunities to communicate through the app. Still, he rarely gets a chance to communicate with others through the app. Therefore, I am a bit concern about generalization. However, he is now habitual of using it with me, so I make sure that most of our routine communication should happen through the app only.  Along with the app, I was also working on his cognitive and language skills and following are some basic rules that helped me on working his communication and language. In addition, my observations helped me to plan the next step, and reading Bill Nason helped me understand his condition and Autism as a whole. Give instructions as per child’s processing level : Earlier, Akshat could only process one instruction at a time, so I had to pause after ever