
Showing posts from April, 2022

Dealing with Aggression - Part 1- Conflicting Ages

Anger The weather is pleasant again at the end of the hailstorm as it's late summer bright and beautiful  everything else is the same yet the crops have suffered That fit of rage that boils the blood in your nerves and takes over your mind That drives you to aggression to achieve what you think is only freedom Builds up like a storm, pours down and abates Of that I live in constant fear for I have sowed and I have toiled and I put up a fight as I ought to Except it crushes me to you, however, the world remains unchanged. By, Anagha Jawalekar I request everyone not to be judgemental while reading this post. The purpose of writing this post is to share my experiences. Autism has taught me a new lesson every day. Be it awareness, acceptance, perseverance, resilience, patience, hope, or detachment in attachment.   No, I do not intend to become a monk, but yes, over the period, these qualities have developed while working with Akshat. I am sure other fellow parents would agree with me

Communication Classes with Akshat - Guest post by Ms. Suhasini Sundaresan

  Hello readers, In today's post, I am sharing another guest post by Akshat's counsellor, Suhasini Sundaresan. We started taking sessions from her in around April 2021 when one day, during conversation, Akshat shared with me something about friendship and I realized that he needs some friends to hang out. After searching online, I got to know about ASK and got in touch with Suhasini and our journey started. The purpose of these sessions was to give exposure to online classes to Akshat, build one to one communication and of course providing him a buddy. I admire Suhasini for being extremely patient and supportive with us. She's one of the few who is in this field by choice and not by destiny. About Suhasini Sundaresan: Hi, I’m Suhasini Sundaresan, a Mumbai based mental health counsellor and psychologist at Adult Support Kendra, Mumbai. I’ve done my graduation in psychology, masters in psychology(clinical), post graduate diploma in counselling psychology and international dip