

  DIL CHAHTA HAI People often wish for many things and expect them to become reality. Dil chahta hai! Yes, we tend to expect so many things in our lives that we often end up cribbing and fussing. But does the expectation always need to be fulfilled? Desires are feelings that knows no limit and expectations many times get you trapped in feelings that leave you emotionally fragile. As human mind always feels that expectations should meet. However, learning flexibility helps in keeping oneself grounded. Having said that, keeping expectations are not always bad. A reasonable amount of expectation is good as it helps in balancing bonds in any relationship. So, let the dil wish, desire and expect but let the mind keep a watch. Akshat Rassay 23-1-24

My version of New India

  21-3-24 This month India is going to vote for a new government. The nation will look forward to the making of a new India, which should be shining as a progressive, liberal and inclusive country. To vote means exercising your basic right in a democracy. It allows an individual to express his concerns and opinions. India is a young country. More than 2/3 population is below 40 years. And I fall in that category. Being young, I aspire to be a writer and as a neurodivergent, I wish for a society that is more inclusive in actions than in thoughts. Akshat Rassay

World Autism Awareness Day - 2024

World Autism Awareness day Can mind be confined within boundaries? Can thoughts be limited? No, certainly not! Thoughts give wings to the dreams. They are fuel for the mind. Every human being is capable to think. However, a general perception of society negates a neurodivergent’s capability to think. The society assume that neurodivergents lack brains but that is not true. It is interesting to mention here that thinking is deeply rooted with autism. Being a neurodivergent (autistic) myself, I feel that I can articulate my thoughts clearly. It is a freeing feeling to express oneself. This World Autism Awareness Day, I hope for a cognitively diverse society, which believes in inclusion. -Akshat Rassay

Birthday Celebration- 2024

  20-2-24 Birthday celebrations are feelings of both happiness and being social. There is so much of wild excitement in people that sometime it is difficult to manage. Still birthday celebrations are interesting life experience. This year, on 19 th February I have celebrated my 20 th birthday. It was good to celebrate at REACH centre. Friends and teachers wished me. How wonderful it was. There were feelings of joy, kindness, and being social. We had a yummy time while gorging over samosas, khaman and cake.  Yay! Birthday celebration was so cool.   Akshat Rassay

Thank You Readers!

  It was a freeing moment when my thoughts started the journey of expression. The mind sparked the thoughts and fuelled the words. Bond Beyond Words is surely an intriguing tale of my expressions. The feelings I gone through while reading the various reviews of the book, were very emotional. I felt honoured. I want to thank all the readers who read my book. Yes, life has changed socially after I was featured as a co-author in talking fingers and now in Bond Beyond Words. I started communicating more with the society like teachers in REACH centre and other people there. The experience I am having while communicating with many people is fascinating. I enjoy sharing thoughts especially with mamma. The autistics could feel deep emotions and mature enough to understand people’s perspective. So, kindly love them mindfully. I do expect that readers should feel the thoughts underlying the conversations in my book. I feel rooted in thoughts. Writing can provide an opportunity to bloom t

Bond Beyond Words : The Unspoken Conversations - Available Now

 Dear Readers, We are delighted to present our book, "Bond Beyond Words : The Unspoken Conversations" . The book steps into the remarkable world of Akshat. It is a powerful narrative, divided into two captivating parts, each unravelling a unique aspect of Akshat's journey. The first part of the book chronicles Akshat's path to communication mastery. Initially reliant on Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC) app, Akshat takes you on his journey as he transitions to the world of typing to express himself more profoundly. In the second part, the book invites you into the intimate conversations that transpired between Akshat and me after he found his voice through typing. These dialogue provide an exclusive window into Akshat's transformation from a beginner communicator to an impulsive teenager, eventually blossoming into an eloquent and creative conversationalist. "Bond Beyond Words" is a moving testament to the power of determination, the strength

Bond Beyond Words : The Unspoken Conversations

  There was a time when communication was a challenge and the thoughts could not be aligned. it felt that there was a storm of emotions that was waiting to hit the shore. Then gradually I learned to communicate and it was like a desert receiving rain after a long wait. The feelings started coming out and it was like a bird who got the wings and started to fly. Communication made me a more mature, thoughtful and very mindful person. The conversations held between mamma and me brought the terrific change. Bond beyond words is the book that I always dreamt of. The book is a thoughtful collection of heart to heart conversations between mamma and me. Hope you all like it. Akshat Rassay