
Showing posts from March, 2022

My journey with Akshat - Guest Post by Ms. Ami Desai

 Dear readers, today I am sharing Akshat's English teacher, Ms. Ami Desai's journey with him. We are grateful to her that she agreed to teach Akshat. It was a bit challenging for her because for the first time she had to teach any neurodiverse kid and she didn't know anything about autism. But she took the challenge in her stride and supported us. Thankfully, as the class was online, Akshat got use to it. Also, he was attending his one to one communication sessions already and that made him habitual of online medium . The purpose of starting this class was to strengthen his English skills and secondly he could work with another person. It's been a year and the class is going on. Akshat is much settled now. I have to sit with him during the class but small changes are there. Ms. Ami has taught him several concepts and he needs to practice them to improve his language. Ms. Ami Desai has been teaching English since 2000. Currently, she is working as an IELTS faculty in Vad

Experimenting with Online Classes

  The Online World That day you shared something, and made me reflect... It was time you had your friends too. Clever of you to pass me the hint!  Hence with guidance, I introduced you to the world of online learning,  and I feel it's been rewarding Coz since then, I have watched you converse, sit for long and listen,  I often see you extending your comfort zone and be available at different times than you'd prefer I can sense that you are able to open up your mind there. I hope you make bonds that last long, that recharge you time and again, connections...that enrich your life. By, Anagha Jawalekar It was Akshat's 18th birthday last month. It is unsinkable that he is an adult now, and I have grey hair and wear glasses now. Time flies so fast. It seems like yesterday when we went to Mumbai and Delhi for the training and did all other therapies. He had a different childhood altogether. Nevertheless, we have come a long way. It gives me a sense of achievement when he expresse