My journey with Akshat - Guest Post by Ms. Ami Desai

 Dear readers, today I am sharing Akshat's English teacher, Ms. Ami Desai's journey with him. We are grateful to her that she agreed to teach Akshat. It was a bit challenging for her because for the first time she had to teach any neurodiverse kid and she didn't know anything about autism. But she took the challenge in her stride and supported us. Thankfully, as the class was online, Akshat got use to it. Also, he was attending his one to one communication sessions already and that made him habitual of online medium .

The purpose of starting this class was to strengthen his English skills and secondly he could work with another person.

It's been a year and the class is going on. Akshat is much settled now. I have to sit with him during the class but small changes are there. Ms. Ami has taught him several concepts and he needs to practice them to improve his language.

Ms. Ami Desai has been teaching English since 2000. Currently, she is working as an IELTS faculty in Vadodara.

My journey with Akshat - By Ms. Ami Desai

My journey with Akshat started in June 2021. It began with a class of 15 mins and has reached 45 mins to date. His impatience gradually turned to an understanding with time, he accepted his weaknesses, and together we made them his strengths. My relationship with him has thus evolved tonnes. 

This inner happiness and experience I have gained today, being the mentor of Akshat never felt a duty to me but always encouraged me to push myself a little more mile to know one of the most beautiful creations of god! He at times had anxiety, anger, irritability, and panic attacks but slowly and gradually tries to overcome them. 

One of his most important strengths is his vocabulary. The way he expresses his feelings, emotions in each of his poetic creations is just mesmerizing. His dedication and creativity in writing compel me to always find an easy and interesting way to teach him through his strengths. He has a wonderful memory and an even better grasping power. Though he sometimes takes a little time to settle down when he is disturbed but his reading and understanding skills are commendable.

 Every time there is a class scheduled I learn to make life simple, I try to become a motivation behind those tantrums, I see a practical example of not to give up, I observe those details he pens down. Yes, he is different, he is special, he needs our time, our attention, our love, and understanding. He is one of those caterpillars who has made his cocoon but doesn’t know how to break through it and fly high. I feel privileged to be his mentor and guide him through his way to shine!

Sharing some of Akshat's work that he learned in his English Class...Please google to see the definition of 'Antithesis' , 'Personification' and 'Simile'



1.  1. Certain large hearts has small space.

2.  2. There are unlovable people in loveable avatar.

3.   3. There is certain immaturity in mature people.

4.   4. It is more of distrust and less patience.


Personification & Simile

1. The rain weep heavily in the city.

2. the mountain is standing tall.

3. Oh! It is cooking something in their mind.

4. the teacher is boiling like lava over the class.

5. the sage is preaching like a noisy cat .


  1. Very well written and a perfect example of caterpillar and cocoon

  2. Very well written, Ritu. Hats off to your continued efforts in finding his strengths. So happy to see Akshat's progress. More power to you .

  3. Thanks Sharda Ma'am...This article is written by Akshat's English teacher Ms. Ami Desai...


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