Homeschooling - A new beginning -1

 Don't you worry, I am there

If you are not comfortable

with that mad race

Let us have one

with a suitable pace

If even that you don't prefer

let's have one tailored just for us

Enough we waited for them to understand

Now done with it

Just give me your hand

By, Anagha Jawalekar

Delhi's training was quite exhaustive. Both mentally and physically. Thanks to my husband, he planned a holiday to Simla and Manali direct from Delhi, and we had a great time. After ten days or so, we returned to Vadodara, and the very next day, I received a letter from CMC Vellore. It was written in the letter that a seat is allocated to me for the next mother-child training program.  CMC is a charitable hospital in Vellore(Tamilnadu), and thousands of people across India come there for treatment, especially for chronic illnesses. We had been to CMC, Vellore twice and got Akshat's thorough checkup done there. On our visit there, we had applied for the mother-child training held there. But my Delhi training just got over( March -2010), and I had to join Vellore within 15 days. My husband wanted me to go to Vellore and do the training, but I was all exhausted, so I gave up the idea.

In 2011, my friend and I started the evening classes following the model of the Delhi mother-child program. We ran it for almost one and a half years but later realized that parents, especially mothers, were not willing to work with their kids. They wanted us to take responsibility, which was not possible. Finally, we winded up the classes.

Until now, I knew that I had to upgrade my knowledge if I wished to help my son in the best possible way. To do that, I went to Banglore to attend Autism Conference (2011) and, took admission in M.A. (counseling psychology) from IGNOU. 

It is foremost to understand the problem to find the solutions and to understand the problem, a person needs in-depth knowledge of the subject matter.

Meanwhile, no progress was visible in Akshat because of the school he was going to. He used to go to school for almost five hours five days a week, but no remarkable development was there and, this concerned my husband a lot, especially from his safety point of view. Finally, we discontinued his school in 2014. That embarked on our journey of homeschooling.

Presenting yet another conversation with Akshat. In this conversation also he is indicating holistic approach which shows his understanding about it.


Me. So, we were talking something about music…we left it in between…

Him. yes.

Me. hmm…I have seen that you listen to different types of songs and even devotional songs too…

Him. yes.

Me. hmm…what you like in film songs…

Him. I like to listen film songs because they touch the heart and their music makes me calmer.

Me. ok..that’s great! and what about devotional songs…

Him. they have intense power of positivity.

Me. Okk(surprising)…anything else you like in devotional songs…

Him. it gives the motivation.

Me. that’s interesting…you sounds like a spiritual person…are you.

Him. I am not but it not spirituality it is about holistic approach.

Me. oh..yes…taking good and positive from everywhere…am I right?

Him. yeah.


  1. Beautiful conversation. I am amazed how can does he know such complicated words like spirituality!


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