How I taught my son to communicate? - Use of AAC App

The Medium (Akshat's viewpoint)

Everyday I see you struggle 

trying to reach me

And you do reach me, but,

how do I acknowledge that 

If I could truly reach you

I would tell you more 

than my unsaid words

ever told you about

And then your questions

could have those answers

than vainly echo anyway

a thousand times in my head.

I wish I could show you how

a vacuum surrounds me,

stopping my voice

from travelling through.

My actions grab your attention

but do not convey the real thing,

and everything that I could if...

If there was a medium

to connect and to share

a snapshot of my mind with you.

By, Anagha Jawalekar

Come, let's delve into our communication journey started in 2015. After beginning the homeschooling with Akshat, almost after a year, he started showing some behaviors like jumping, moving in the house all the time, least sitting span while doing activities, and no attention. To me, it seemed that behaviors were because of sensory issues. So, I consulted an Occupational Therapist in Bombay and booked her session.  Everything was going well till then. Akshat used to listen to me and was an obedient boy. So, why suddenly do these behaviors? I was having a tough time dealing with him, and as a result, I broke down in front of the therapist. When I discussed the behaviors with the therapist, she said that though the issues seemed to be sensory they were mainly because of a lack of communication. Ohh! Was that so? I hadn't thought about communication before. Yes! she said. The therapist explained that as I was at a loss to understand Akshat's expressions, how frustrated he was feeling, and hence, reflecting as behavior. 

The Occupational Therapist then suggested the AAC app as a mode of communication for Akshat. Suddenly, I remembered that it was also recommended by Ummeed a year or two ago, but that time I didn't pay attention. Now, I thought that it was high time I had to start using the app.

The AAC or  Augmentative and Alternative Communication are the communication methods that aid or supplement speech and writing for those with the impairments.

There are many AAC apps available today. Some of them are free while others are paid ones. Most of the apps work both on the Apple and Android platform, though few are platform-dependent also.

Akshat's OT suggested LetMeTalk. LetMeTalk is a free app that runs both on  Android as well as on Apple. One can download it from the Google play store and use it.

There are no prerequisites for using an AAC app. I started using it because my son needed some mode of communication. Except for this, I had no idea about the app. I heard a little about PECS. That was it.

So, again with my observations, I first made it clear in my mind that how I will be going to use it with Akshat. As Akshat is a foodie, I started with the food itself in the app and made a category for food in the app. (Please refer to my youtube channel on the AAC app. Link given in the left-hand side column of the blog).

So, whenever Akshat used to make a gesture, held my hand, or brought the box to me, to indicate that he wanted to eat a particular item, I used to keep the mobile in front of him and ask him, "What do you want?"

Gradually, with practice, he picked up the app and got the idea that he could search for the items in the app and ask for them whenever he needed them. As per his progress, I kept on modifying the app and, now also, whenever I feel the requirement, I make some changes in it.

AAC app set the base for his expressive language. LetMeTalk is easy to use. Its interface is simple and, the app has minimal hardware or software requirements. Though it has its limitations (the app does not support sentence formation features like Avaz), we did so many experiments with it. I worked on yes/no, emotions,  executive functioning, scheduling, etc. with the app and made hundreds of videos. AAC app, if rightly explored, can be a boon for non or minimally-verbal children/adults.

For last two and half years I am working rigorously on Akshat's language and communication and Ms. Archita Basu has been a constant guide. A few days back, I discussed rigidity issue of Akshat and she gave some ideas. Based on those ideas, I did following exercise with him. 





Less Significant



























I was curious to see the items in 'Less Significant' column and hence discussed about them with him. Presenting excerpts of the conversation...

Me. Can you elaborate why ‘love’ is less significant…

Him. Love is a nice emotion. But when it not tolerate other person, its significance reduce.

Me. My mood is significant for me as I work if my mood is there but you find it less significant…how come…

Him. the significance of the mood depends on the dinner or lunch.

Me. Ohh…You mean to say your mood depends on what you eat…

Him. Yes.

Me. Well, you have a point there…

Me. So, what kind of food make you fresh and energetic and which food makes you feel dull…

Him. well, tasty and crunchy food makes me fresh and energetic. Sweet and dairy products makes me dull.

Me. But you really like paneer and some milk sweets…

Him. Yes…can eat them but in minimum quantity.

Me. Yes…I think, that’s a good idea…

Me. Well, let’s discuss boredom…when I feel bore, I try to engage myself in something…

Him. Yes…even I do that.

Me. So, how do you engage yourself…

Him. By listening music , watching tv.

Me. Good…Most of us do that only…Meanwhile, you can explore some hobby also…

Him. Hmm…will try.

Me. And the last you have mentioned ‘tiredness’ as less significant…

Him. Yess…because tiredness is directly come from body and gives certain harmful effects.

Me. So, in that case, one should pay more attention and should take extra care of his/her health…I think, by this body gives us an indication that we should follow a regular lifestyle, which includes healthy food, proper rest and exercise…

Him. Yess.







  1. As always we learn so much about Autism from Akshat's sharings. Thank you Akshat and Ritu

  2. Firstly,Lot to learn from you mom and son interaction and secondly the point of communication deficit related sensory behaviours is even nobody told me

  3. Hmm...That's why observing the child is so very important...I also learned it from experience...I was fortunate that at the right time the therapist brought it to my notice otherwise things could go even worse...Believe me, communication helped (and helping) me in understanding my son that I had never imagined...Everyday, communicating with him is opening a new aspect of his thinking in front of me...


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