Talking Fingers - A Milestone


Sorry for the delayed post. Tied up with so many things since May. After a long time something good has happened. Until now, most of you would know that a book, Talking Fingers, co-edited by two mothers, Ms. Chitra Paul and Ms.Padma Jyothi has been released. The book is co-authored by sixteen Indian non-speaking autistics. 

The book aims to shatter the myth that non-speaking is equal to non-thinking. The contributors (authors) have shared their thoughts on myriad range of topics ranging from their communication journey, to hobbies, responses to sceptics and their views on neurodiversity and disability.

Akhat is also a content contributor (co-author) in this book. It is such a gratifying feeling for us. However, any kind of recognition was/is never my purpose but this book is a true medium to introduce him to the world. I always wanted that people should know him as a human being; his disability should not be a constraint.

Seeing him as a published author makes me feel proud. It doesn’t matter how much he has written. When I asked him, how does he feel being an author? He said the feeling is fantastic. We have worked persistently to reach here.

We are grateful to Ms. Chitra Paul and Ms. Padma Jyothi for publishing Talking Fingers. The book is really bringing the much needed awareness regarding non-speaking autism and hence changing every author's life who has contributed for the book.

His mature and clear thinking is his strength. However, he needs to realize it. His interest is paramount for him and it is very difficult at times to make him do anything other than his interest. I am explaining him about goal, purpose, and responsibility for quite some time but not sure how much he is getting it.

With success comes challenges too. That is exactly happening with us. His fascination towards music is now becoming an obsession and rigid thinking adding fuel to the fire. Surely, age is playing a critical role.

Aggression is back in full swing and we have decided to go for some medical intervention. Hope it helps.

I have started taking him to a vocational centre for peer interaction and social exposure. Let see if it works…

Today, I am sharing the link of the Akshat's interview which is a part of promotional campaign for the book, Talking Fingers and to introduce the authors...

I would like to thank Padma Jyothi for doing this interview...

Do share your feedback about the book, Akshat's work and his interview...


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