
Toilet Training - Herculean Task of our Autism Journey

  Difference is a two way thing must be known, or is it new? You are but as different to me as I have been to you Do variations have to bring with them, such distance? Why not a bridge where diverse can compliment? It's common that people prefer their own "cup of tea". Choices are same or different We are just unique - you and me. By, Anagha Jawalekar Every mother is reborn while giving birth to a child. When I was taken to the operation theatre for the delivery 18 years ago, I had no idea what courage and strength I would need to deliver the child. The doctor was insisting on me to push some more so that baby could come out though I was just unable to do it. Finally, she said it would take some more time and left the operation theatre. Suddenly, I didn't know what happened to me, but I started pushing myself. I was almost unconscious. Still, the doctor's words were reverberating in my ears. Push...Push, and I pushed myself. The baby was almost out. The nurse ran

The face off with the real world

A different Struggle  Don't just give up on me A chance is all I ask Search for me with fair eyes, beyond the superficial mask Life is hard, we all strive each day is fought, less or more But some struggles wait forever, overlooked, to be accounted for  By, Anagha Jawalekar The Mumbai training concluded with lots of learning for me and a remarkable change in Akshat. The future was looking somewhat hopeful. (Although I was unaware of some aspects of disability that were yet to unfold). The Mumbai hangover was still there as we stayed in a carefree environment with like-minded people who had the same issues and therapists who used to counsel us almost every day.  As Akshat's Autism was officially confirmed now, we searched for an Autism School here in Vadodara and luckily got one and admitted him there. I left my job as it was difficult for me to continue it. Meanwhile, I was looking for some sport for Akshat and found a skating academy near our place. I talked to the trainer and

All About Mumbai Training

  Much later, a mature mind feels... quite satisfied. Along the way, my abilities were pushed beyond limits, tested and channelized. In an unthought of direction, yes. but my journey has made a difference. Content with rewards of pure efforts -  the discoveries, the success and even the failures... one now reflects - life's best presents come in the most unexpected packages. By, Anagha Jawalekar My husband explained me everything about boarding the local, where to get off etc. and I rote learned it like a student. (My husband always says that it seems I have never learned Geography🙈 but still I somehow managed in Mumbai).  Our training started with the orientation meeting with Dr. Vibha. She is a charismatic person and very down to earth. She introduced us to our trainer Aarti Thakore. Aarti was the behaviour therapist at Ummeed and a very focussed and dedicated girl. In fact I was lucky that in the starting of my journey itself (2008) I met a therapist like her. She was the girl,

The Turning Point

The Turning Point   On that cross road when I chose... I knew I had to do this...there were no two thoughts about it. Even though it meant the end of my dreams a young version of my mind had concluded. As my journey became a hike. there was no place to stop, to look back and like - where that other soft, gravelled path led. Neither did I realise then, that it was in me, to challenge a mountain. By, Anagha Jawalekar While doing my graduation, I enrolled myself in a computer institute (Aptech) for an one year diploma course. I was passionate about computers since my school days and wanted to do something in that. Luckily, while doing the computer course, I joined the same institute as an On Job Trainee and started my career as a Computer Instructor. After my marriage also, I continued working in different institutes and schools as a computer instructor and loved my job. During those days, I was very aspirational regarding my job and wanted to pursue a career in Computers. Akshat used to

The Beginning

  I was being judged, at times dismissed For me, everyone had a piece of advice "Some are late bloomers, some are too shy Not to worry, all phases pass by..." Denial, I confess was very comforting and how I wished that they were right! Yet part of me was constantly looking for missing links, for missed signs. Then came the day doc officially told Ground under my feet simply couldn't hold I wept and my heart bled for my child Why was he chosen to be some way deprived? But soon I discovered that I was strong and determined to connect him with the world Though it may take long, I'd go any length To make my perfect child's life perfect! I had run out of tears and out of stress He trusted me, I knew I was blessed The differences now did hardly count but accepting hem gave workarounds For reaching him, knowing his mind and as we do, fresh air we find  I see a novel world through his eyes So much in him to shine and rise! Can't be weighed nor be measured conversation


  Monochrome One day I realised what my child had long  known Between my brows a line had grown Running up into my forehead when I was  tense ... and two little fingers stretched to 'undo' it - I wonder how he had sensed He of all people, I thought would not understand. For I imagined him with an aura of question marks around his head They said he was that way blind - as he would could not read people's mind Left all confused and anxious as he would not know - what a person meant when they frowned or raised a brow. His mind, a black and white world....I thought it lacked some colours bold Felt sorry - and that is where it went wrong - I've realised since.... Range needs to be narrow, for depth to be intense. So many unique gift he has, I find it was I who had been, all along, colour blind By Anagha Jawalekar Range needs to be narrow and depth to be apt...                                             The Beginning It all started 15 years ago (in 2006) when m